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This is an incredible journey. It shocks me each time when I hear how someone's work to preserve a rare colour and good standards. I am in Canada and have a small flock of Lavenders and Lights. So glad to go searching today and find your page. Now I too, have a little fire under my tail feathers to keep going with my birds. Amazing work to blaze the trail ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️. Any and all words that you can share or recommend for the journey? Thank you!!

I also fell in love with the Coronation Sussex here in Australia, I have 3 light Sussex & I was after coronation hens & rooster, I ended up with a Bantam Coronation & he is adorable, I still have not found any more hens. I am fascinated in genetics & would love to breed them, I will upsize next year to a full size rooster if possible, (not many people breed them here still) . We do not have the coronation blue, can you give more info on this colour & how it was created? Thanks

Congratulations for your perseverece and success. Wishing you all the best.

Unbelievable!!!! I really can't believe it, and had to read it for 3 times...
I still hope that you get the recognition, would be great!!
All the best from Austria!

Conny Veenendaal
I've followed your work, you've done miracles for this breed!!
The Sussex had lost form, shape as well as color, they had been outbred so much
by ppl that they were a very far cry from what the breed standard calls for!!
I've watched you rebuild this breed from trash to treasure!!!

They should be awarding you for your commitment to the breed!!!
If anyone knows this breed inside and out, it would be you!!